All gynaecology and women’s health services
at Her Health Clinic
Her Health Clinic in Murdoch offers a range of gynaecology and women’s health services. Our Perth gynaecologist focuses on providing personalised care for every stage of a woman’s life, from very first periods to menopause and everything in between.
Gynaecologist Murdoch
Heavy menstrual bleeding
At Her Health Clinic in Murdoch, we have a deep understanding of the impact of heavy menstrual bleeding and painful periods on a woman’s life.
“Many girls and women suffer in silence. We get it; and we see and understand you because it is not just about managing symptoms. It’s about acknowledging your pain and making sure you get the best care so your quality of life improves.”
Dr Eman Alnaggar
Gynaecologist Murdoch & Founder Her Health Clinic Murdoch
Whether your periods are heavy, long, painful, absent, or irregular, at Her Health Clinic, we’re here to listen and help. We offer understanding, compassionate care to get you back to feeling your best.
Managing first periods
We know how big a deal your first period can be. It’s a whole new world and it can bring up a lot of feelings and questions.
“It’s totally normal to have a mix of emotions about it. We’re here to chat, reply to your questions, and make sure you feel super supported during this new phase of your life.”
Dr Eman Alnaggar
Gynaecologist Murdoch & Founder Her Health Clinic Murdoch
Managing first periods (or ‘menarche’ as we also call it) is about providing the right information, care, and understanding. The aim is to make this transition as smooth and positive as possible.
Pelvic Organ prolapse / Vaginal prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse also known as Vaginal prolapse is more common than we think. About a third of all women who have had a child may experience some degree of prolapse in their lives. Some who have never experienced childbirth may get it too.
“Luckily, not everyone needs treatment, but when your symptoms are interfering with your daily life activities, it’s best to seek advice. At Her Health Clinic we provide a safe space where you can openly discuss your concerns and explore treatment options for vaginal prolapse.”
Dr Eman Alnaggar
Perth Gynaecologist & Founder Her Health Clinic Murdoch
At Her Health Clinic, we’re passionate about pelvic floor health and its vital role during pregnancy and beyond. We will discuss a range of treatment options, including pessaries for non-surgical support, and vaginal surgery for more advanced cases. Lifestyle changes can help too to improve your symptoms and prevent future problems.
Fibroids are a common women’s health condition, and as many as 7 or 8 out of 10 women will have experienced them by the age of 50. They are benign growths in the uterus that can vary in size. Some go unnoticed but others can cause symptoms that interfere with your daily life activities.
“Heavy or painful periods are often the reason to seek treatment, but fibroids can also cause pelvic pain, constipation, frequent urination, lower back pain and discomfort or even pain during intercourse.”
Dr Eman Alnaggar
Gynaecologist Murdoch & Founder Her Health Clinic Murdoch
Treatment depends on the size and location of your fibroids, your symptoms, your age and whether you still want children or not. We can look into medication to help with your symptoms and shrink them, or fibroids surgery may be a better option if drugs won’t help.
Laparoscopic surgery
At Her Health Clinic, we offer laparoscopic surgery as a minimally invasive treatment option for a range of gynaecological conditions. This type of surgery, also known as ‘keyhole surgery’ offers shorter recovery times, less pain and smaller scars compared to traditional open surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery can be necessary for treating issues like heavy periods, endometriosis, and ovarian cysts.
Perimenopause & menopause
At Her Health Clinic, we’re here to support you through perimenopause and menopause. Some women experience hot flashes, mood swings, or sleepless nights. We will try hard to help elevate these symptoms, we’re here to help. It’s about finding what treatment works best for you, whether it’s lifestyle tweaks, hormone therapy, or other options. We want to make sure you feel your best during this natural and new phase of your life.