How a maternal assisted caesarean (MAC) can transform your birth experience

Maternal assisted caesarean Perth

Have you ever heard of a maternal-assisted caesarean section (MAC)? It’s an option where you can actively participate in the birth of your baby during a caesarean section. I offer this unique procedure because I understand how important it is for some mums to feel more connected during a caesarean section birth.
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Maternal assisted caesarean Perth

What is a maternal assisted caesarean section and why have it?

A maternal-assisted caesarean lets you get involved in your baby’s birth in a hands-on way. Once your baby’s head and shoulders are delivered, you can reach down and bring your baby up to your chest. It’s a beautiful way to feel more connected to the birth process. 

“Rarely during a caesarean section some mothers may feel disconnected due to a multitude of reasons, most commonly after having a traumatic first birth. With a maternal-assisted caesarean section, you’re right there, actively involved in bringing your baby into the world. This hands-on approach makes a huge difference in how connected and involved you feel during the birth.”
Dr Eman Alnaggar - Her Health Clinic

Dr Eman Alnaggar

Obstetrician Murdoch

With 30-50% of hospital births now being caesarean sections, some parents can feel less involved compared to a vaginal birth. They want to be more intimately involved in the birth of their baby, especially if it’s through a surgical procedure. Hence the arrival of the maternal assisted caesarean. 

Many women who had a traditional caesarean for their first birth and then tried a MAC for their second say that they felt more connected and involved. They often remember it as a positive experience. Some even called it ‘the closest thing to a vaginal birth’.

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Maternal assisted caesarean-section candidate

Who is the maternal assisted caesarean section for?

Of course, not everyone is suitable for this type of delivery. We’ll carefully assess your health and pregnancy to make sure it’s safe for you and your baby.

“I usually offer a MAC to women who have researched it and come to me requesting one. Even though the hospital team and I handle the actual delivery, a MAC still lets you be a part of the experience in a meaningful and empowering way.” 

Dr Eman Alnaggar - Her Health Clinic

Dr Eman Alnaggar

Obstetrician Murdoch

If there are any complications or risks that make a MAC unsafe, like certain medical conditions or emergencies, we’ll discuss these with you. If it’s safe for you, we’ll guide and support you to make it an unforgettable moment. 

Maternal assisted caesarean Perth

Maternal assisted caesarean risks

It’s teamwork!

For a MAC to work smoothly, everyone in the surgical team needs to be on board. This includes the anaesthetist, paediatrician, and midwife. Each member plays a crucial role in making everything go well. 

The anaesthetist faces a unique challenge in a MAC. As with any procedure, they need to manage your pain relief and monitor your vital signs closely. Since you’ll be using your hands to assist in the delivery, the anaesthetist must have everything set up perfectly before you begin, as adjusting during the process can be tricky.

The paediatrician is essential too. In a traditional caesarean, the baby usually goes straight to a warming station for initial checks. However, with a maternal-assisted caesarean, the paediatrician needs to be comfortable with the baby coming directly to your chest after delivery.

The midwife is also a key player, helping you support your baby and providing warm towels. Everyone working together makes the experience much more special and reassuring for you.

Murdoch obstetrician offering Maternal assisted caesarean section

Why I offer maternal assisted caesarean sections

As a mother, exploring my own emotions during my own birth, I became very passionate about maternal assisted caesarean section, and/or immediate skin-to-skin after birth. I find the actual process of birth is very important and a maternal assisted caesarean is wonderful if it can be facilitated. 

“Of course the baby’s health and your safety matter immensely. But so does your mental health, and it’s crucial to feel heard, respected, and safe throughout the process. It can be incredibly disappointing when you prefer a vaginal birth and you’re told you need a C-section.” 

Dr Eman Alnaggar - Her Health Clinic

Dr Eman Alnaggar

Murdoch Obstetrician

Women must come through their birth experience feeling supported and happy. A MAC makes the birth process more positive and memorable, helping you feel connected and involved in bringing your baby into the world. 

Would you like to discuss this further? Let’s see if I’m the right fit to be your Perth obstetrician during your pregnancy and beyond. Make an appointment today.

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